Updated Government support for businesses adversely impacted by COVID-19

31st October 2020 was originally the milestone date when the Government planned to cease to support businesses, including the end of the furlough scheme.  However, in recent weeks the Government has extended the support schemes in place, inclusive of announcing a replacement to the furlough scheme; namely the Job Support Scheme. The Chancellor unveiling additional…

Additional measures and allowances available for employers and employees during the COVID-19 pandemic

Over the past few weeks and months, the Government have announced a number of additional measures to support both businesses and employers, but also to reduce the number of redundancies of employees that have been on Furlough.  Also, we wanted to highlight some of the allowances available for employees working from home and to provide…

The Chancellor’s Summer Statement – WHA provide a summary of the Government’s support measures

Today the Chancellor Rishi Sunak, provided a ‘mini summer Budget’, designed to get the country back on track and recover from the worst effects of COVID-19. The initial reaction to the Chancellor’s measures been mixed, some sectors have applauded the changes, but there has been a real lack of support for some badly affected sectors…

The Discretionary Grant Fund

A new Discretionary Grants Scheme has become available for those who were not able to access a grant in the first round of financial aid offered from the Government. This new fund will be provided by Local Authorities for businesses financially struggling.  It is discretionary, so not definite, but might be worth investigating for your…